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Área news

It is with great pleasure that we announce Renata Mihich as the new Head of Latam of Bomi Group

It is with great pleasure that we announce Renata Mihich as the new Head of Latam of Bomi Group

Renata has over 20 years of solid and outstanding professional…

Bomi On Demand: an innovative solution for the Healthcare sector

Bomi On Demand: an innovative solution for the Healthcare sector

In order to facilitate inventory monitoring and control, Bomi Group…

NAOS Pharma presenta su nueva área Pharma en las instalaciones de Bomi Group en Ciudad de México

NAOS Pharma presenta su nueva área Pharma en las instalaciones de Bomi Group en Ciudad de México

Naos Pharma ideó un plan para acomodar adecuadamente sus productos…

La importancia de crecer planificadamente

La importancia de crecer planificadamente

Seguir creciendo es prioridad para Bomi Group en Chile, pero…

BOMI GROUP in Brazil is honored to maintain the Certificate of Good Distribution and Storage Practices (CBPDA) for healthcare products since 2012
Bomi Group en México: Expertos en el manejo de Dispositivos Médicos y productos farmacéuticos
Bomi Group Announcement
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