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Bomi Group at the forefront of inventory consignment efficiency: the evidence from our Colombian branch.

To efficiently manage consignment stock housed in hospitals and clinics has its own challenges: stock loss or excess, low turnover, sales force time loss, product expiration, strict health regulations and a system to control it.

Bomi Group took up the challenge In Colombia in 2012 with the GECOS inventory counting and reconciliation service. Now it is a pioneer among BOMI’s Latin American branches, achieving reduction costs of our clients’ supply chain.  The branch reaches a 99.2% inventory accuracy on consignment for our customers by controlling the stock of their products.  We also achieved that our clients increased their sales to hospitals in consigned products by 11% due to consumption control.

What is GECOS? It is a stock management service that we have in all BOMI branches that handles stock according to the invoicing, replacement and expiration control.  It allows the customers a 360° viewing of their on-time invoicing, consignment stock, balance check with the warehouse managers and an optimal stock rotation to avoid expiration loss product.  Also, this activity generates a lower environmental impact and frees the institution’s staff from heavy administrative tasks.

How does it work? GECOS is supported by software developed by BOMI and a “Field Inventory” team deployed in the main capitals of the country to meet the institutions’ need for counting and consignment balance check.

We guarantee a high quality service since we have experience in about 660 hospitals and clinics worldwide, performing more than 5,300 inventories for the Orthopedics, Cardiology, Ophthalmology and General Surgery sections.

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